How to get involved and change the way children learn maths in 4 Easy steps

  • Join a class – classes are held once a week at schools and Gymathstics Centres. Click on the link to Enrol Now
  • Attend a parent/teacher workshop
  • Purchase the Gymathstics resources online complete with parents manual and help change the way your child learns mathematics. 
  • Become a Gymathstics School partner. We provide all resources and train teachers on teaching maths the Gymathstics way-email to find out how



Or complete the enrollment form online below.

Your Name (required)

Your Email (required)


Child name & Surname




Parent/Guardian Name

Telephone Number

Cell Number

Work Number




Any other info/allergies

I certify that the information given to Gymathstics is correct and accept full responsibility for
the payment of class fees



I,The parent / guardian of the above mentioned child hereby grants permission that he /she may participate in the activities/program presented by Gymathstics. I also accept that, even though all reasonable precautions will be taken for the safety of the children, no responsibility will be accepted by Gymathstics with regards to any injury whilst my child is attending any of the classes. With this I also give permission for Gymathstics to record my child while doing activities to post on Social Media

Name And Surname



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