Hi LaurieI am a qualified Foundation phase and Early Childhood Development teacher and I teach Grade 2 in Central Islamic Schoolklueterplek

poplar academy1

Dear Rizwana


Thank you for training us to use the Gymathstics programme. I feel more confident about teaching Mathematics using these techniques and the apparatus. I feel that the pupils will really benefit from this programme as it will deepen their understanding of Mathematics in a fun, non-threatening environment. I am looking forward to using this programme with our Foundation Phase pupils and will definitely recommend it to the pre-primary school.





Mrs Tina Moore

Acting Deputy Principal

Academic Support Teacher

Crawford Preparatory Lonehill

011 465 1201




After training I feel excited to implement the program with the children that struggle with Mathematics. I have been looking for some type of program or activities to use with children who struggle to make succeeding in Mathematics a possibility. I feel the children I teach will enjoy learning Mathematics and I will enjoy teaching the concepts to them in a unique and fun way. In the long run I think it will make teaching and learning more enjoyable. In the short term it will be difficult learning how to use Gymathstics and apply it to Crawford. Once it has been implemented I think it will make teaching much easier. With the support provided by Gymathstics I think it will make teaching even easier.


I felt that Rizwana did an amazing job. She was organised, approachable and open to suggestions. It is wonderful to have ongoing support as this is an important element that is almost always forgotten. I have already recommended Gymathstics to my other friends that are teachers and mothers. Overall, it was a fun, worthwhile training that I learned a lot from. I would like to contribute to the building of the senior phase part.

Thank you for everything.

Sam  Higgo

Crawford Lonehill




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